Remember! Remember the different answers you have given over your lifetime to the question Who am I?

  • I am the son or daughter of….
  • I am a graduate of…
  • I am married to…
  • I am a Vincentian…
  • I am a Republican or a Democrat…
  • etc.

“All of these are personalized responses to the question Jesus puts us to us about who he is. With Peter we answer, “The Christ,” and fill out that title with the meanings we’ve initially taken in. But each of us pulling on the witness of our experiences can say more. Mining memories for the graced times when the Spirit’s presence broke through our everyday, we can locate those visitations when we contributed our unique answers to that saving question put to Peter. “You are the Christ, my strength, my solace, my abundant compassion, my wonder, my neighbor in need – and on and on.”

Fr. Tom McKenna of the Eastern Province of the Congregation of the Mission lead us in reflecting on how our responses to who Jesus is for us have changed over our lifetime.



A Life Time of Answering